[BIO] Cecilia García-Gracia [Chile]
Egresada de Licenciatura en Música de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Chile. Estudió piano con la maestra Silvia Peña Henn (Escuela Moderna de Música) y con el pianista letón Armand Abols (estudios particulares).
Como docente ha hecho clases de piano en la Escuela Moderna de Música (hoy Instituto Profesional Escuela Moderna), en nivel preparatorio y básico, desarrollando además, el cargo de coordinadora del nivel
preparatorio en piano.
Como compositora, se ha desarrollado en el campo de la música electroacústica, destacándose en el área de la música para danza contemporánea. Actualmente, dicta clases de piano en la Escuela de Música de la Universidad ARCIS y de piano, canto y teoría musical en el CECASFO (Centro Cultural Artístico y Social Felicitas Orth).
Graduated in Music at the School of Arts of the University of Chile. She studied piano at the Modern School of Music under the supervision of the pianist master Silvia Peña Henn and also, privately, under the guidance of the lettish pianist Armand Abols.
From the educational standpoint, she has teached piano at the Modern School of Music (today Modern School Professional Institute), at the preparatory and basic levels. At the same time she was in charge of the coordination of the piano preparatory level.
As a composer, with the assistance of José Miguel Candela, she has incursionated in the electroacustic music and has succeded in the contemporary dance music. Presently she teaches piano at the School of Music of the ARCIS University and also of singing and music theory at the CECASFO (Centro Cultural Artístico y Social Felicitas Orth).